Source: There is no dollar amount that you could assign for the number of sacrifices made by men and women in uniform on behalf of the nation and its citizenship in order to maintain the freedoms and liberties afforded to us. Putting it into perspective, the number of those that serve in the military gives READ MORE
Coping with PTSD: What’s available for Veterans
Source: Where does a Veteran turn for help if they desire to tackle their PTSD? Here are a list of options in seeking PTSD treatment and support… The staggering number of those that have served in the military and now have PTSD is very real. Over twenty percent of all Veterans have PTSD, especially those READ MORE
When Veterans are at War with Themselves… a look at PTSD
Source: Veterans that have served in combat are subject to the highest risk of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which affects their ability to hold a steady job, interact with family members, and even how they conduct themselves in daily civilian life. What is PTSD? How can we help a loved one that has PTSD? Where READ MORE
How Project Help Combats Veteran Homelessness
Source: There are many community non-profit organizations that say they are focused on Veterans and their families during times of need; however there are few that actually serve Veterans with resources, services, and tools that help uplift Veterans in the moment… Veteran homelessness is a serious problem. Out of the total homeless population, up to READ MORE
Leaving our Nations Warriors out in the Cold…
Source: The United States of America, rich in the abundance of opportunity, resources, and freedoms, defended by men and women in uniform. Unfortunately, some of them find themselves left with nowhere else to go but on the streets. How do we tackle Veteran Homelessness? And why are there so many Vets left out in the READ MORE